Welcome To SPRNT® Hiring Marketplace

Access A Marketplace of Thousands of Tech-Ready Talent Pools To Efficiently Fill Your Open Positions.

Here's How It Works

SPRNT® Hiring Marketplace is an online platform with powerful technology that matches your open jobs to an ever-expanding network of thousands of proven Tech-Ready Talent pools so you can fill your open positions quickly and easily.

Sign up for SPRNT® Hiring Marketplace

Include relevant details and the job description.

Job Matching Algorithms use information in the job description to connect the job to our marketplace of thousands of Tech-Ready Talent.

Matched candidates are curated and submitted for your review.

When a hiring decision is made, automated offers, background checks, and onboarding get hires to work quickly.

  • Reduce Risk in Hiring

    Talent deployment services are tailored to each company's needs. Employers have an extended period of time to evaluate talent's potential before making a hiring decision.

  • Reduced Turnover

    SPRNT® Lab programs train in both technology & professional skills needed to ensure long-term employment. SPRNT® Tech-Ready Talent have a 40-50% lower turnover rate

  • A More Diverse Tech Talent Pool

    We have a proven track record of building tech-talent from an untapped diverse pool. 87% of SPRNT® Tech-Ready Talent is from a diverse background.

Ready to Power Up Your Hiring?

Take the next step. Schedule a Meeting.

Have Questions?

Step into the future!

Access skilled tech-ready talent primed for immediate impact or re-skill your workforce for the next generation. The path forward for your business begins today.

Take the next step. Schedule a Meeting.

(888) 694 1285

6900 College Blvd Suite 470 Overland Park, KS 66211
